Saturday, April 21, 2012

2012 Guinness Book of World Records and Cloth Diapering

I absolutely LOVE cloth diapering. There are so many wonderful benefits by cloth diapering, long term money savings, saving landfills, and keeping those sweet lil' bums away from all the chemicals of disposables.
And cloth diapering, is NOTHING like the old school cloth diapers and is very easy and not queasy!

My transition to cloth diapers started when Little A was 4 months and fully in cloth by 6 months old. I cannot imagine turning back! We have experimented with many different types and brands, only to keep finding new loves! I have a cloth diaper addiction.

Well, today, I got to contribute to the 2012 attempt to beat the Guinness Book of World Records for the most cloth diapers changed at the same time, at the Great Diaper Change! Not only was it an interesting event, but I got to meet other mom's that cloth diaper and provide support for families in need with a cloth donation.
The diaper of 2012 change!
So at 12:30 today - here in the Eastern U.S. I changed Baby R's cloth diaper and maybe our picture will be seen in the next Guinness Book of World Records, joining many other mom's and dad's around the world participating.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Kale Chips

I love fruits and vegetables and in the past couple of weeks I have been really focusing on eating more raw foods, increasing my fresh fruits and vegetables intake and decreasing my carbohydrate intake! YUM! Let me tell you, I feel a bunch better already. So anyway, one thing I discovered was my new love of Kale, my favorite way, making Kale chips! They are easy and delicious and PACKED with vitamins.

Image Source
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  • Wash and spin dry (or towel dry in case you don't have a spinner like me)
  • Remove stems and cut out veins
  • Cut into bite size piece

  • Place on baking sheet
  • Drizzle with olive oil
  • Sprinkle with sea salt (or seasoned salt)

  • Bake 10-15 minutes until edges are slightly brown
  • Cool


Friday, April 13, 2012

Grocery Shopping with Toddler

Little A loves to go shopping. Whenever we are out of something in the house, she makes sure to remind me to put it onto the grocery list. 

To add her in on the fun, I created her a pictorial grocery list. Shh....she's learning at the SAME TIME! She will be using visuals to see the item word after it AND helping mommy find them in the store, identifying the item as it is on her list. 
Little A's Grocery List                                    
Ready, set, here we go! To the grocery store to see what we can find!