Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Upcycled: Box into car track

Summer is finally on the way here in the northeast! Trying to avoid putting the air conditioner in as long as possible, though being in the third trimester of pregnancy during the hot summer days, I might not make it without, we have been using a fan - until it died. I broke down and bought a new one when the humidity was making it difficult to function. Anyway, it came in a box that Little A was quite intrigued by. Never letting a good box go to waste, we got creative with crayons and markers and upcycled the box.

Little A has a very active interest in cars and trucks. Since getting some cars for her, she would enjoy going "BRUUUUUM", pushing them along the floor. Now, she has some added excitement pushing the cars along the roads and down the ramp, through the ponds - you know, 18 month old joys!

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